2021 HCA Year-End Review

As we look forward to 2022, we wanted to share some highlights from 2021 that you made possible through your support and empowerment.

Over 400+ farmers are benefitting from, and are enrolled in our program after three years, which includes monthly trainings, seedling distributions and access to our research and demonstration plots.

Monthly Agricultural Trainings

Monthly trainings are critical for subsistent farmers, as they have been without governmental support in agricultural training for nearly 40 years. Harvest Craft seeks to stand in this void and provide much needed education for farmers, from highly trained Haitian agronomists who desire to give back to their community!

  • 11 agricultural trainings covering local farmer requested topics such as: 

    • Sustainable production of tomatoes, peppers, and beans

    • Disease prevention and detection in goat husbandry

    • Optimizing beekeeping management 

    • Organic pest management 

    • Asexual propagation techniques and seed saving 

  • 333 farmers from the program attended monthly trainings in 2021, with an average of 75 participants at each training

Monthly Seedling Distributions

Sourcing viable seeds can be a huge burden and increase the cost of production for small-scale farmers. Our nursery service helps boost their profit margins and ensures a high-quality, high-yielding variety that we have confirmed in our research plots.

Mixed vegetable and fruit species seedlings are distributed to farmers monthly for free to help reduce their seed costs, enhance propagation time and diversify their production

  • 22,384 seedlings distributed to 214 farmers

  • This equates to ~105 seedlings per farmer, on average

  • Species distributed include:

    • Eggplant, bell pepper, chili pepper, tomato, pomegranate, and passion fruit

Based on our studies, the number of seedlings contributes approximately ~$50K USD in economic stimulation (via agricultural sales and production) within the region.

Research and Demonstration Plots

We conduct research trials on several crop species to determine optimal management techniques, such as: pest management, planting, fertilization, pruning, irrigation and propagation methods, as well as appropriate cultivars of each species for the region.

All information is then passed on to our partnering farmers to optimize their production. Research and demonstration plots are available for the following crop species:

  • Avocado, Banana, Cacao, Lemon, Lime, Coffee, Jackfruit, Sour orange, Chili, Corn, Eggplant, Lima bean, Tomato, Honey, Passion Fruit, Sugar cane

  • New species planted and/or reaching maturity this year, such as, sugar cane, corn and cacao will be focal points of training in 2022!

Ultimately, the knowledge and seedlings we are able to pass on to the farmers from these plots helps promote food sovereignty (food security + self-reliance).

From a previous study, 95% of the program participants have indicated an increase in yields and income due to the plants and knowledge they have received from the HCA.

Farmer Testimonial

Each month we gather a few testimonies from program participants. Typically, we post them on our Instagram page, so make sure to follow us there @harvestcraft.

This (HCA) program has allowed me to have income at all times. It’s allowed me to cover my small expenses, grow produce to sell, ensure income, and also bring home vegetables.

For this reason, I thank the HCA and this program as well as the financial supporters who’ve made this possible.

- Farmer Notoise, Regular HCA participant

Additional Activities

In addition to the core farmer program, we also conducted some relief work with a local bakery in Jeremie, in the wake of the earthquake and hurricanes in the region.

We were able to partner with “Trees that Feed” to purchase and distribute 14,000 konparets (i.e., breadfruit biscuits) to hundreds of families in need, as well as 55 XL tarps for temporary shelter.

Thank you all for your swift action and support to make this quick aid possible

Thank you for an incredible year!

2021 was a year of growth, expansion and resilience. We persevered thanks to your dedicated support and empowerment.

Hundreds of farmers are being empowered to produce, learn and earn more, while dozens of locals are also receiving full-time work on our HCA staff.

We are so grateful for you and we hope to continue to grow and expand our impact in 2022.

Two New Year’s Goals for 2022!


1) Conduct more frequent farmer surveys to better understand the needs/interests of the community.

2) Establish a post-harvest management program through the use of solar dehydrators (pictured below) to help provide niche market opportunities for our farmers, prevent food waste and enhance food security within the community.

If you wish to contribute in 2022, click below!